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New government in Montserrat - after episode of musical chairs

Chief Minister of Montserrat, Dr. Lowell Lewis.February 25, 2008: Following an unprecedented request to have the appointments of two of his ministers revoked on Thursday, Chief Minister of Montserrat Dr. Lowell Lewis,  led a new government of national unity into office on Friday. His ruling team now consists of three parties which contested the last election including  former Chief Minister Reuben Meade of the Movement for Change and Prosperity (MCAP).

Montserrat last had elections  on 31 May 2006, when 3 parties contested 9 seats.  From A 77% turnout of the 3000 strong electorate, Dr. Lewis received the highest number of votes, followed by 4 MCAP candidates. The remaining seats went to 3 NPLM and an independent. The government formed then, led by Dr Lewis, was a coalition between the MDP, the NPLM and an independent.

Dr. Lewis, the only member of his Montserrat Democratic Party (MDP) to hold a seat in Parliament, appeared on state radio on Thursday 21 February  2008, to announce that his ruling coalition, was no more and that he was teaming up with MCAP in a new political alliance.

"This is probably how the mix should have resulted after the election. It's a pity we did not have a situation similar to this at that time," said Dr. Lewis.

"Unfortunately there were several comments made which more or less reinforced in my view that I did not have enough support to take a budget through. There had been other incidents where members of my Cabinet were lobbying other members for a change of leadership. So it was quite clear to me that if I wanted to continue serving as Chief Minister I would have to seek support from elsewhere in the House. I did that and successfully came to some arrangement with the Opposition MCAP group," he said. As a result Dr. Lewis said Montserratians would be better off with the changes made to the government.


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