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Trinidad to provide Guyana with security assistance - helicopter, specialized weapons

Georgetown, GINA, February 20, 2008: The Government of Guyana has accepted the Government of Trinidad and Tobago’s (T&T) offer to assist Guyana in the pursuit of criminal gangs which have been carrying out ruthless killings and robberies.

Minister of Home Affairs Clement Rohee who made the announcement today said following the offer by the Trinidad Government, he held discussions with that country’s Minister of National Security Martin Joseph on the level of assistance that will be provided.

“As a consequence of these discussions it was agreed that the Government of Trinidad & Tobago will provide the Government of Guyana with specialized weapons and a helicopter.”

“The Government of Guyana has been making every effort to procure the said weapons from other sources but without success. In the interim the specialized weapons and the helicopter have been accepted to assist the Government of Guyana in its crime fighting efforts.”

Minister Rohee said the Government of Guyana expresses its deepest gratitude to the Government of Trinidad & Tobago for its timely assistance.

President Bharrat Jagdeo recently announced that the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) will receive $1B this year to purchase helicopters to improve its air patrols which will aid in the fight against transnational crime and serve as a deterrent to the establishment of illegal airstrips. The President said the funds will be facilitated in the 2008 National Budget which will be presented on February 22 in the National Assembly.  The Head of State made it clear that while government is committed to fighting crime and using the necessary resources for the security forces, Guyanese must understand that sacrifices will have to be made to assist in this regard.

“This year we just put in the budget close to $1B to buy a few helicopters with spotlight and a whole range of equipment, but the money is limited too. … I can understand sometimes the frustration but, people have to make sacrifices if they want security. They cannot say to me they want 50 roads and then spend money on helicopters too,” the Head of State emphasized.

Government has explained that the National Budget will reflect provisions for other areas which the United Kingdom/Government of Guyana security action plan and Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) Citizens’ Security programmes would not cover.


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