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Another massacre in Guyana - 12 gunned down including 3 policemen.

February 19, 2008: While fellow country men battled at Stanford 2020 in Antigua for pride of Country, 12 Guyanese in Bartica Guyana were slaughtered on Sunday night as criminals overran the Police Station and took to the streets letting off a barrage of gunfire indiscriminately.  Residents scattered and moved quickly to lock down their homes as they scrambled to the floor. The armed gang reportedly shot to death three policemen, freed prisoners who were locked up in the station's lock-ups and escaped with the police's firearms. At least another nine persons is believed to have been shot to death in the community before the gunmen retreated.

Bartica is located on the left bank of the Essequibo river at the confluence ,Mazaruni and Cuyuni River it's viewed as the gateway to the interior region of Guyana.

The attack forced the Guyanese government to postpone the reading of the national budget on Monday and Chairman of Region Seven, Holbert Knights said that his constituency is shocked at the scale of the massacre.

Stabroek News reported being told that "the gunmen arrived in the area around 9:40 pm by boats and they departed in similar fashion." According to reports once the gunmen touched down in Bartica they stormed the police station, shooting to death three policemen. They also escaped with the police's firearms and reportedly freed prisoners who were locked up in the station's lock-ups.

Eyewitnesses reportedly counted around 20 gunmen - similar to the band that stormed Lusignan East Coast Demerara  in January killing 11.

According to Guyana's Government Information Agency, several Cabinet members on hearing of yet another tragic and brutal attack by criminal elements in Bartica, Region Seven, visited the area to console and provide moral support to residents and victims of the horrific tragedy. During an address to the residents and families of the victims the Ministers expressed their condolences and called on members of the public to support the Joint Services in their fight and continue to be vigilant. Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport, Dr.  Frank Anthony said despite what has happened it will not deter the Joint Services from going after the criminals and that will be the case until they are captured.


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