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Wave of Change, Belize latest for incumbents annihilation

Dean BarrowFebruary 10, 2008: Riding an apparent wave of change, in the last 13 months,  several Caricom countries have changed Governments; a trend that is perhaps slightly worrying for incumbents in the region with elections in the next 12-24 months.

The latest to do so is Belize, where in Thursday's elections the United Democratic Party led by lawyer Dean Barrow (caption photo) comprehensively defeated the United People's Party led by Prime Minister Said Musa winning 25 of the 31 parliamentarian seats.  The 56-year old Barrow, described his victory as Belize's great awakening! He became the first black Prime Minister of the Central American Country of 300,000 people who gained full independence from Britain in 1981.

Recent Government changes in the Caricom Region

Bahamas - Hubert Ingraham's Free National Movement(FNM) defeated Prime Minister Perry Christie's Progressive Liberal Party - (PLP) - (2, May, 2007).

Jamaica - Bruce Golding's Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) defeated Prime Minister Portia Simpson-Miller's People's National Party (PNP) (3, September 2007).

British Virgin Islands - Ralph O'Neal of the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) became the island's first Premier over the incumbent National Democratic Party (NDP) led by Dr. Orlando Smith, - (20 August 2007).

Barbados - David Thompson's Democratic Labour Party (DLP) defeated Prime Minister Owen Arthur's Barbados Labour Party (BLP) - (15, January, 2008).


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