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Alternative Energy - Bahamian Island hoping to forego oil by 2030.

February 9, 2008; Cape Eleuthera Institute and Cape Systems Ltd is hoping to eliminate dependence on oil in the Bahamian island of Eleuthera by 2030. This goal was the focus of a symposium held  on February 7-8, 2008 at Cape Eleuthera Institute in South Eleuthera, Central Bahamas. The conference attendees were to discuss ideas and take action in promoting Eleuthera as a self-sufficient energy model for the Caribbean and other similar places throughout the world.

Participants included Ministers or their selected representatives from several offices of the Bahamian Government. 

"We are at a key time in the development of the Bahamian Family Islands," says Jack Kenworthy, president and CEO of Cape Systems. "We have an opportunity to make Eleuthera the standard of sustainable development not only for The Bahamas, but for other coastal communities around the world. By working together with government, scientists, businesses, and NGOs, we can design a plan that will empower Eleuthera to obtain self-sufficiency in energy and fuel production, food production, water resource management, waste management, and materials management over the next 20 years. The environment is a tremendous resource for this country and we must examine alternatives that will improve the well-being of its people and protect the states of all ecosystems.”

Alternative sources being studied by the institute include biodiesel, solar energy and wind energy. Visit  to learn more.

Cape Systems, Ltd. and the Cape Eleuthera Institute are wholly-owned subsidiaries of Cape Eleuthera Island School, a Bahamian non-profit corporation focused on education, outreach, and conservation. Cape Systems, Ltd. is the revenue generating branch of the Cape Eleuthera Island School, and was created to expand the influence of The Island School sustainability model by providing support to environmental and social projects, adding professional capacity, strategic partnerships, and working closely with the business and development communities. The Cape Eleuthera Institute is a marine research facility that works with universities to model sustainable systems and find solutions for resource management. For more information, visit and


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