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Caricom looks for outstanding women - nominate your choice.

February 8, 2008: The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat is pleased to invite Member States to submit nominations for the Ninth CARICOM Triennial Award for Women, 2008. The aim of the Award is to honour a Caribbean Woman who has made an outstanding contribution to the development of the Community and it takes the form of a medal crafted in gold.

Distinguished recipients of the  the Award to date are  Ms Nesta Patrick of Trinidad and Tobago (1984), Dame Nita Barrow (deceased) of Barbados (1987), Dr Peggy Antrobus of St Vincent and the Grenadines (1990), Ms Magda Pollard of Guyana (1993), Dr Lucille Mathurin Mair of Jamaica (1996), Professor Joycelin Massiah of Guyana/Barbados (1999), Professor Rhoda Reddock of Trinidad and Tobago (2002) and Justice Desiree Bernard of Guyana (2005).

Nominations will be accepted from governments, non-governmental organisations submitted through the national government, from regional institutions, regional non-governmental organisations and the private sector submitted directly to the Secretary-General. Nominations must be sent under CONFIDENTIAL cover to reach the Secretary-General, Caribbean Community, Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat, P.O. Box 10827, Georgetown, Guyana, by 15 February 2008 with the envelope clearly marked CARICOM AWARD FOR WOMEN. The successful candidate as well as the nominating agency will be notified through the Office of the Secretary-General of the Caribbean Community of the date and venue for the presentation of the award.

Suggested areas of candidacy are Agriculture, Architecture, Athletics and Games, Banking, Business, Industry and Commerce, Domestic Services, Economics, Education, Engineering, Entertainment, Environment, Fine Arts (Painting, Dance, drama), Gender and Development Health, Home Economics Information and Communication, Literature (Poetry, Prose, Novels, Texts, etc.),  Medicine, Nursing, Nutrition, Politics, Public Service, Religion, Research, Science and Technology, Social Welfare, Tourism, Trade Unionism ,Women and Development and Law.

Each candidate must be 18 years and older, should have achieved recognition in the particular field of endeavour for which she is nominated and be a national of a member state of the Caribbean Community.

A statement in support of the nominated candidate should accompany the submission of a completed bio-data form.

More information is available online at


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