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New Publications By and About the ACS

February 3, 2007, Port of Spain: – The Association of Caribbean States (ACS) took the opportunity during the occasion of the 13th Ordinary Meeting of the Ministerial Council in Panama City, 23-25 January 2008 to launch and distribute two major publications.

The first publication “Special and Differential Treatment in the Regional Trade Agreements in the Greater Caribbean” is the result of a collaborative effort of the ACS with various organizations, most importantly ECLAC, SELA, OECD and the Regional Council of Guadeloupe.

The idea for the study was conceived during the 5th Brainstorming Session on the Treatment of Small Economies hosted by the ACS Directorate of Trade and Economic Relations, which took place in Port of Spain, Trinidad on the 28 November 2005.

The main objective of this study is to examine the provisions for Special and Differential Treatment of Small States within the different regional integration schemes in the Greater Caribbean, specifically CARICOM, the Central American Common Market (CACM) and the Group of Three.
The publication was distributed to delegates and special guests during the 2nd Preparatory Meeting on Thursday 24 January, with remarks by the Director of ECLAC in Trinidad & Tobago, Mr Neil Pierre and a representative for SELA, Mr Antonio Romero, respectively. The representative from the Regional Council of Guadeloupe, Ms Laurence Marianne was also in attendance.

The second publication: “Dossier: The Association of Caribbean States” is part of the Series on “Integration in Latin America” published by The Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO), a Social Actor of the ACS. The Dossier seeks to provide a greater knowledge of the ACS objectives, agreements, structure and activities.

In commemoration of the ACS Ministerial Meeting, the Dossier was officially launched at the University of Panama on 23 January 2008. FLACSO Secretary General, Dr. Francisco Rojas Aravena and ACS Secretary General, Dr. Rubén Silié were in attendance and addressed the gathering.

“Special and Differential Treatment in the Regional Trade Agreements in the Greater Caribbean” is available in English, French and Spanish, while “Dossier: The Association of Caribbean States” is available in English and Spanish for now. Copies of these and other ACS publications can be obtained from the relevant organizations and from the ACS Headquarters in Port of Spain, Trinidad.

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