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Students attack motorist in Nassau.

February 1, 2008: A number of Junior High School Students had to be taken to a police Station in Nassau yesterday after attacking a motorist, throwing rocks at his car and threatening to kill him. Eyewitnesses say the motorist was traveling along Thompson Blvd, a street in a busy area, when a group of students attempted to cross the street, forcing the motorist to stop abruptly to avoid hitting them.

According to the Nassau Guardian, "That was like the eye before the storm, because after that, a lot more students began to cross the road and they took their time doing it," said the passerby, who watched in "shock" as students began pounding on the man's windows and throwing large "boulder-like rocks" at his car after he blew his horn at them.

"The lil' boy crack me in my head live," he said referring to the school boy who he initially fought with.

"I jumped out of the car and start fisting him up and I say you is a little boy. And all of them start picking up them little boulders by Wendy's to throw at my jeep. They were throwing lone rocks at my car. Now I'm looking like a victim right now," Lundy said.

He continued, "I don't even know who these kids are. I tell you, I had to jump out and fist this lil' boy up. A lil' 14- or 15-year-old came out and crack me in the back of my head."

The motorist was reportedly surrounded by about 50 young boys and girls struggling to defend himself. The incident came to an end only when one female student shouted that he had a gun, causing the students to flee the scene. The motorist must now deal with remarks of his jeep being "marked", suggesting revenge attacks to come.

"This occurrence is the latest in a string of violent incidents involving school children. In November, hundreds of Jr. High School students fought each other, near the College of The Bahamas campus in Oakes Field. Traffic came to a standstill as the students took to the streets, throwing rocks and bottles. During that incident, several students were also taken to a police station."

Quoted extracts from article by Nassau Guardian Staff Reporter KRYSTEL ROLLE.


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